4246 Lakewood Drive
Lakewood, CA 90712
10/29/2015 10am to 4pm (Thu)
10/30/2015 10am to 4pm (Fri)
10/31/2015 8am to 1pm (Sat)
This is Part II of the Lakewood Country Club sale we held last year. 50 years of living! Huge selection of home furnishings!
- For starters, the backyard pool room is filled with a selection of dressers, a round wooden table and chairs, bookcases, tv carts, and old windows.
- Huge selection of Silverplate serving pieces (just in time for the holidays!)
- The garage is packed with vintage typewriters, household appliances, jars of screws, nails, small hand tools, garden tools, books, furniture, stools, vintage clothing and much more!
- Pop-up in the driveway has an assortment of chairs, tables, bookcases, and more!
- The house has an assortment vintage clothing, vintage straw handbags, vintage perfume bottles, vintage linens, fabric remnants, books, decorative items, large selection of household items.
- Antique parlor tables, buffet, antique bookcases, 12 piece setting of China, martini glasses, ceramic canisters, cast iron cookware, silverware, dishes, cups, serving platters and more!
Lots of items! Come and check out the sale!
Thanks for your continued support,
The Estate Sisters!
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